>> matt novelli <<


(floor + fourth = flourth)

FlourthPrinter was a year-long project I created with my roomate, Adam, after purchasing a used thermal printer off eBay for $20. The printer was jerryrigged to accept serial inputs from a raspberry pi and power from a PCI card. Adam and I wrote some Python code, and conncted the bot to twitter using the Tweepy library. Any tweet containing @flourthprinter would print out in our dorm. Images were turned into ASCII art and printed. We even got in the student newspaper!

[twitter page]
[daily illini article]
[every tweet printed] [nsfw]
[stickers, designed by me]

gif of printer printing.
flourthprinter in action.
stupid little printer
An NCR 7167 thermal printer.
[home page]
(c) 2021 - ∞ Matthew Novelli.